Teen Runner

teen runner

Warning ! You were just having fun in the railways and a gard saw you. Now he is running ! It’s time for a run ! How far will you go ? You also have to avoid obstacles and trains… Have fun ! Arrows Left/Right : Switch waysDown : SlideSpace bar: Jump

Tank Off

tank off

Multiplayer Tank-Centric Tactical-Combat Battle ArenaAlternate WWII Universe: Extraterrestrials have already made contact, and war machines are powered by stolen Alien Technology!Tanks Abilities: Jump! [SPACE key] Turbo! [SHIFT] Float and Jet through water! Rocket-Propel through the air!Features: 10-Player Rooms Unlock 4 specialized Tanks to attune with your play style Choose from 4 Maps: Forest, Desert, Bayou, … Read more

Pet Idle

pet idle

Pet Idle is a simulator where you can take care of various virtual animals! You will need to take care of various needs that your pet will demand, such as food, thirst, sleep, bath, walks and games. Build, expand and decorate your home, so you can have more and more pets! They will interact with … Read more